Kepemimpinan Pemuda dalam Pelestarian Sejarah Lokal : Analisis Peran Rio Tampati Putra sebagai Founder Museum Perang Sintuk
This research is motivated by awareness of the important role of youth in preserving local
history and culture. The Sintuk War Museum exists because of the enthusiasm of a young
man from Nagari Sintuk named Rio Tampati Putra. Proving that youth leadership and
initiative can be key in preserving and reviving local history. This research is qualitative
research that uses historical research methods. Several stages in the Historiography process
involve steps such as Heuristics (data collection), Verification (source criticism),
Interpretation (interpretation), and historiography (historical writing). The results of this
research show that Rio Tampati Putra's background in establishing the Sintuk War Museum
was to teach the younger generation about the great struggle of Indonesia's ancestors in
gaining independence. Through visionary and collaborative leadership, Rio Tampati Putra
succeeded in making the Sintuk War Museum a source of historical learning for students and
forming a community that is beneficial for the younger generation through collaboration
with various parties.