Author Guideline
Author GuidelineAuthor Guideline :
1. The manuscript contains writings related to historical or historical education, both in the form of research results (field research) and literature studies.
2. The manuscript has never been published and is not in the process of consideration for publication in print, electronic media, or in other publications.
3. The manuscript is typed using Indonesian in accordance with good and correct writing standards.
4. The manuscript is typed on A4 paper (left border 4, bottom 4, top 3, right 3) about 10-15 pages long.
5. The article is written with the following systematics: Title (Times New Roman font, size 12, bold), Author's name (Times New Roman font, size 12, bold); Affiliation (Times New Roman font, size 12); Email address (Times New Roman font, size 12) ; Abstract using English and Indonesian (100-200 words each); The introduction contains background, previous studies, theories, and research focus (descriptive, not per point); Research methodology; Results of research and discussion; Conclusion;
6. Each citation must be written in the text with American Psychological Association (APA) techniques, namely (author's last name, year, page), for example: (Sjamsuddin, 2012, p. 3). Using Mendeley or Zotero citation programs is recommended
7. Each citation must also be written in a bibliography with American Psychological Association (APA) techniques, arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Example of writing a source:Source:BookSjamsuddin, H. (2012). MetodologiSejarah. Yogyakarta: OmbakJournalHasan, S. H. (2012). Pendidikan Sejarah untuk Memperkuat Pendidikan Karakter.Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 22 (1), 81–95.
The manuscript file is titled with the format [Name -- Title], for example: UunLionar – History Learning Based on Local Wisdom