Adaptasi Dan Transformasi Partai Golkar Di Sumatera Barat Era Reformasi Tahun 1998-2014
This study describes the adaptation and transformation of post
reform golkar in West
Sumatera. Whether the Golkar made a change ? And Whether these post reform
change affect the existence of the Golkar Party in West Sumater a. The Purpose of this
reseach are : 1). Explaining How the Golkar Party doing Adaptation and
Transformastion in West Sumatera for Reformation Era. 1). Expalaining the step of
The Golkar Party still Exist in West Sumatera from 1998 2014. This reseach follo wing
the rules of Historical reseach that arrange on four stages, Including Heuristich,
Source Critism, Interpretation, and Hsitoriograpy. Based on the result of the reseach
it could be counlude that The Golkar Party of West Sumatera was overhouled the
org anization structure and turned in to Golkar Party, Consolidated, Sosialized,
Registering the best people for every election period. From and stengthen AMPG and
KPPG, Establish good relation with the society, give some programs that needed for
people, carry out the Karakterdes( Kader Penggerak Desa ) and Karsinal ( Kader
Penggerak Fungsional ). Evan so, in 2014 period The Golkar Party was not maximal
on doing party regeneration and The Golkar Party was not Worked.