Madrasah Tarbiyah Islamiyah (MTI) Canduang: Gerakan Modernisasi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Sumatera Barat (1907 – 1928)
This article is a historical study of the Modernization of Islamic Education Institutions at MTI Canduang which is the forerunner to the establishment of another MTI in Indonesia. The purpose of writing this article is to explain the background and standing of the modernization movement of Islamic Education Institutions at MTI Canduang. The method used in this study is the Historical Method which consists of heuristics, criticism, interpretation. The establishment of MTI Canduang was motivated by the teaching activities of Sheikh Sulaiman Ar-Rasuli in Surau Baru Canduang which began in 1907. The MTI Canduang Modernization Movement began when criticism from Young Group Ulama on the activities of Surau was considered ancient and left behind. Demang Dt. Batuah and Syekh Abbas Qadhi Lawas Field suggested that Sheikh Sulaiman Ar-Rasuli modernize his Surau into Madrasas. In 1926 the classical system began to be implemented. MTI Canduang was then formalized as a Madrasa in 1928. After becoming an MTI, there were changes such as learning methodology, grade levels, and facilities but for a permanent orientation to the Shafi'i School and Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah. The establishment of MTI Canduang had an impact on the establishment of another MTI in West Sumatra, so in 1930 PTI was established.